Here is a newborn pic and one from her birthday last year.
2 year ago our miracle angel arrived.The reason we call her a miracle is because I had some trouble and they told me she would never be born.I started bleeding at about 6 weeks and it lasted a long time..We worried all the time that she would not make it but she did.She arrived 5 weeks early but was/is perfect in every way !
Dear Makayla
First off Happy Birthday !!!
You have brought so much happiness and joy to our family.
Mimi said you were brought to us to keep me going since my Lupus was rearing its head again.I agree you keep me going.
It has been wonderful this last year watching you grow and become more confident with everything you do.
It is such a joy to wake up and hear your sweet voice calling and I am really glad you call Deanna to change them :)
Your language is growing and your personality as well.
As for your hair ...well that is inherited but I promise to keep lots and lots of neat bows and hats for you to wear.
We love you
Mommy and Daddy
Happy Birthday Stinky! I hope the party goes well Missie =0)
Really amazing how fast children grow. I love the B&W with the elephant in her mouth :)
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